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The Calling of a Christian School Teacher

Updated: Feb 28, 2023

Spring is nearly here, which means many things in the life of a Christian school employee or student. Warmer weather, change of sports seasons, fine arts competitions, advances in curriculum, and the countdown for May are all components of a post-winter mindset for all those involved in a Christian school. For parents, it often means re-enrollment season! The decision to sign on for another year is no small act, committing to the investment of providing a Christian education for our children in an environment where they are loved, protected, and trained in all things academia from the ultimate authority of God's Word.

And yet, a vital part of every Christian school is the faculty and staff!

Assembling a staff for every Christian school around the country is no small feat of God, as administrators and recruiters comb the countryside, seeking for young, middle, (or even old!) adults who follow God's calling in their life to sacrificially give of their time, energy, and resources to help train the next generation from the framework of a biblical worldview.

At BBCS, it is our goal each year to assemble a staff with a very unique purpose. In fact, did you know that BBCS has a developed outline of "Eight Biblical Characteristics of Our Staff" that are shared and expected from current or new faculty? Note the eight qualities below:

  • Spirituality: Our staff's walk with the Lord is the most important key in creating good home-and-school relationships. Gal. 5:22-23 lists nine evidences of a Spirit-filled life. The First is LOVE!

  • Communication: Parents want to be informed of everything that affects their children.

  • Standards: Our staff must maintain high standards of conduct, academics, and appearance as part of developing Christ-like character. Both individually and to the students!

  • Control: Every good teacher is an effective disciplinarian. Let the system work, and work together as a team!

  • Competence: Each one must be a competent professional that is proficient in their subject matter, providing accurate and timely assessment evaluations, and demonstrating consistent organization.

  • A Teachable Spirit: A wise teacher will seek parents input and value their council. Finding the bond of rapport between teacher and parent can provide the teamwork and rewarding experience that Christian education was meant to be. “Every school staff member is a ‘public relations officer’ for himself and school.”

    • When handling criticism, LET

      • L: Listen

      • E: Evaluate

      • T: Take Action

      • LET God speak to you through the advice of others. (Prov. 27:6)

      • “Trust not yourself, but your defects to know, Make use of every friend and every foe. “ - Alexander Pope

  • Humility: We encourage our staff to gain credibility by honestly admitting mistakes and correcting them. Being humble also fosters an approachable attitude.

  • Compassion: Parents quickly sense whether the school staff are concerned for their child.

Would you join with us in beginning, even now, to pray for the 2023-24 school year? Pray specifically for:

  • The exact staff to be assembled that fits into God's plan for BBCS and Hampton, GA in 2023-24.

  • The staff to grow personally in their 1) walk with the Lord, 2) ability to lead students in a way that reflects Christ, 3) continued mastery of their subject area in both comprehension and explanation.

  • The Lord to continue to provide families who want to partner with us to help their children follow Christ in each aspect of their lives.

Written by Jon Knoedler, BBCS Administrator


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